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Summer DUI Tacoma Patrols Seek Prevention — “100 Deadliest Days”

DUI TacomaAccording to I Drive Safely, an online provider of driver education training based out of Carlsbad, research shows that drivers ages 15-20 are involved in more fatal accidents than any other age group. Teenagers can get their permit at age 15, and their license at age 16. This demographic has a lot to do with the fact that these drivers are very young and inexperienced. Also, teenagers might become very used to driving and get careless and therefore cause an accident. Does this data mean that you will get into a fatal accident if you are driving in your teens? Certainly not. What this data shows is that more accidents happen in that demographic than any other demographic. Since this is the case, it’s important to address the issue.
I DRIVE SAFELY also reports that between memorial day and labor day are the days where fatal car accidents happen the most during the year. Combining these two pieces of data suggests that between the 100 days from memorial day to labor day, a lot of drivers from ages 15-20 will be involved in car accidents.
I DRIVE SAFELY is putting on a competition for people that age to write a short essay describing to their fellow peers why driving safe is important. They are asking that the submissions are made from those who have been involved in an accident or have had experience being pulled over for their driving.
DUI Tacoma felony can be a serious thing, and although this competition is happening in California you can still enter. The prizes include an Ipad, a $100 gift card to Amazon and a $50 gift card to Amazon.
This is a great way of getting teens aware of the consequences of driving under the influence or driving recklessly.
if you are in a DUI Tacoma situation and need help from an attorney, Jensen Legal specializes in DUI cases. It isn’t the end of the world if you got a DUI – there are plenty of options to recover and prove your case.
If you need any legal DUI Tacoma assistance contact us today.

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