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Back to College — Criminal Lawyer Seattle

Criminal Lawyer Seattle

Criminal Lawyer Seattle

By mark sebastian

Summer is coming to an end soon, and we all know what that means – back to college! Students will be (if they already haven’t) going back to college soon and entering into the “school mode” atmosphere. With college life comes a lot of responsibilities. Parties are happening at colleges today more than they were before, which means that students need to be more careful.

If you’re a college student and you have been drinking, make sure you sober up before you start driving! The younger generations always view themselves as invincible, and for this same reason a lot of young students die every year because of drinking and driving. The consequences are huge – from dying, killing someone else, or getting a DUI. Regardless of the reason, it’s not worth drinking and driving.

However, if you do get caught in a dilemma and you receive a DUI remember that YOU HAVE RIGHTS.

As a citizen of the United States of America you are guaranteed certain rights regardless of what you have been accused of. Although some of these rights sometimes get ignored, you shouldn’t forget them.

Here are some things that you should remember if you are ever pulled over under the influence:

You DON’T need to:

  • Perform the Field Sobriety Tests
  • Answer how much you’ve had to drink
  • Answer where you drove from
  • Tell them if you were driving

You DO need to:

  • Remain calm
  • Remember that you have rights as a citizen of the United States of America
  • Show the officer your drivers license
  • Show the officer your insurance
  • Show the officer your proof of registration

Also, don’t forget about your right to remain silent. You don’t need to speak, so why damage your future case? Let your attorney speak for you. If you want, you can choose to remain silent and that way the officer doesn’t have any additional evidence to present in court.

If you find yourself in a DUI situation and want an experienced, professional criminal lawyer Seattle attorney to speak on your behalf – look no more. Contact us today and let us know what kind of legal issue you’re facing. We are waiting to help you!

Jensen Legal has over 20 years of experience with DUI cases. We offer criminal lawyer Seattle help and we are confident in our ability to help you in whatever situation you may be in.


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