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What is Domestic Violence?


Between the years 1997 and 2011, over 400 female and male domestic violence victims were killed by either past or current partners.  In 2006, the Washington State police departments responded to nearly 50,000 domestic violence calls, yet research states that most instances are never reported to the authorities.

Washington State Definition

Washington State defines domestic violence as “when one or more of the following things occur between family or household members: physical harm, bodily injury, assault, sexual assault, stalking, making you fear immediate physical harm, body injury or assault*. This definition includes many types of abusive behaviors, such as pushing, hitting, slapping, biting, choking, and other conduct that causes you harm or puts you in fear of being hurt. *R.C.W. § 26.50.010(1)”.

This behavior is used to gain control and power over the abused through a combination of physical, emotional, psychological, economic, or sexual abuse and threats. Domestic violence and abuse happens to people of all education levels, religions, sexual orientations, races, ages, and both genders.

The National Domestic Violence Hotline has provided these three lists to help people recognize if they are currently in some type of abusive relationship:

Emotionally Abusive Relationship Partner Behaviors

  • Calls you names, insults you or continually criticizes you.
  • Does not trust you and acts jealous or possessive.
  • Tries to isolate you from family or friends.
  • Monitors where you go, who you call and who you spend time with.
  • Does not want you to work.
  • Controls finances or refuses to share money.
  • Punishes you by withholding affection.
  • Expects you to ask permission.
  • Threatens to hurt you, the children, your family or your pets.
  • Humiliates you in any way.

Sexually Abusive Relationship Partner Behaviors

  • Views women as objects and believes in rigid gender roles.
  • Accuses you of cheating or is often jealous of your outside relationships.
  • Wants you to dress in a sexual way.
  • Insults you in sexual ways or calls you sexual names.
  • Has ever forced or manipulated you into to having sex or performing sexual acts.
  • Held you down during sex.
  • Demanded sex when you were sick, tired or after beating you.
  • Hurt you with weapons or objects during sex.
  • Involved other people in sexual activities with you.
  • Ignored your feelings regarding sex.

Physically Abusive Relationship Partner Behaviors

  • Damaged property when angry (thrown objects, punched walls, kicked doors, etc.).
  • Pushed, slapped, bitten, kicked or choked you.
  • Abandoned you in a dangerous or unfamiliar place.
  • Scared you by driving recklessly.
  • Used a weapon to threaten or hurt you.
  • Forced you to leave your home.
  • Trapped you in your home or kept you from leaving.
  • Prevented you from calling police or seeking medical attention.
  • Hurt your children.
  • Used physical force in sexual situations

The National Domestic Violence Hotline encourages you to call 1-800-799-SAFE if you are currently experiencing any of the behaviors listed above.

Need Legal Advice?

Think you are in an abusive relationship or have domestic violence charges against you? Jensen Legal is here to help. Contact us online or give us a call at 206-617-9173 for your free consultation and our specialized legal advice.


“2011 Domestic Violence Fatalities in Washington State” –
Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Facts –
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Orders for Protection – WA

What is Domestic Violence? –
National Domestic Violence Hotline

Media Guide Statistics-
Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence

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